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Sensations are the physical reaction that you feel when interacting with the virtual world. They are made up by a group of microsensations, which are the smallest units users can calibrate. To create a microsensation, you have to modify 6 different parameters:
Frequency: The frequency is the number of pulses per second the microsensation sends to the player.
A micro with frequency equal to 1hz will send one pulse per second, which would feel like independent impacts (e.g. dart).
A micro with a high frequency, 100hz for example, will result in a “continuous” sensation (e.g. wind, bleeding, etc.).
Duration: The amount of time (in seconds) that the microsensation will last. For example, if you create a sensation with Frequency: 1Hz; Duration: 1 sec, you will feel a dart after 1 second. On the other hand, if you create a sensation with Frequency: 10Hz; Duration: 0.1 sec, you will immediately feel a dart.
*You cannot establish the frequency of 1Hz in less than 1 sec.
Intensity percentage: Each user calibrates their maximum intensity level (100%) during their calibration process in the OWO App. You can assign the intensity percentage that users will feel. E.g: 50% of the users calibration, 75%, etc.
Fade in: How long it takes for the microsensation to progressively go from 0 to the assigned intensity percentage (in seconds), the maximum is 2 seconds.
Fade out: How long it takes for the microsensation to progressively go from the assigned intensity percentage to 0 (in seconds), the maximum is 2 seconds.
Exit time: The additional time in seconds between one microsensation and the next one to play.