⚒️Create sensations
It is possible to create sensations using our Sensations Creator tool, but it is also possible to create them by code, this allows the developer to build and modify sensations in realtime.
Create a sensation and store it in a variable
Each of the above parameters refers to:
Frequency (hz)
Duration (sec)
Intensity (%)
Fade in (sec)
Fade out (sec)
Exit time (sec)
Assign muscles to an existing sensation
The above line of code generates a new SensationWithMuscles
, once muscles have been asigned to a sensation, they won't change, it should be necessary to create a new SensationWithMuscles
Modify the intensity percentage of the assigned muscles
it is possible to change the intensity of a single muscle, a group of muscles, or even a group of muscles with different intensities per muscles:
Append one or more sensations to create a sensations chain
This results in a combination of both sensations, each one could have different muscles assigned as well.
Assign a family to a baked sensation
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