In this section we explain the different connection alternatives
Update Status: This must be called periodically in order to establish a connection and to listen for disconnections. It needs the current game time in milliseconds.

1. Manual Connection
The user must enter the IP that the MyOWO app provides when pressing the Play button.
It is possible to connect to multiple MyOWO apps simultaneously using the Multi Connect blueprint, sending the same sensations to multiple devices.

2. Automatic Connection
Through the Autoconnect function, the OWOController class will prepare itself to connect to any available MyOWO App. Calling UpdateStatus is still necessary.
3. IP Scanning
Searches the local network for available devices to connect to. It works like UpdateStatus.

Get Available servers
Returns the list of available devices that Scan Devices found in the local network.
4. Disconnection
Call the Disconnect blueprint to close an established connection
5. Connection Status
Get the current connection status in the form of an enum
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